10: live reloading

Manual reloading is such a pain!


Kennedy Mwavu


July 10, 2024

Live Reloading

When building applications (whether backend or frontend), it gets tiring to manually stop & restart the app when you make changes to the source code.

This guide shows you how you can monitor files for changes and have the app restart automatically.


This is not something specific to ambiorix, but it is extremely useful during my development process, so I saw it a good idea to have it included as part of the examples.


In case you’d like to know, we won’t be writing any JavaScript.


  1. You of course need to have an app. You can use any of the code in the previous examples. We will use a simple server.R file, which is also the entrypoint:

      app <- Ambiorix$new()
      app$get("/", \(req, res){
        res$send("Using {ambiorix}!")
      app$get("/about", \(req, res){
  2. Change to your project’s root dir.

    cd myproject
  3. Initialize an npm project & create the package.json file:

    npm init -y

    The -y flag accepts the default npm setup.

  4. Install nodemon as a dev dependency:

    npm i -D nodemon
  5. Create the file nodemon.json at the root dir of your project and paste this in it:

      "execMap": {
        "R": "Rscript"
      "ext": "*"

    This specifies an executable mapping for .R files: Rscript.

    It also tells nodemon to monitor all files (*) for changes. You can as well monitor specific file extensions. For example to only watch .R, .html, .css & .js files, change ext to:

    "ext": "R,html,css,js"
  6. Open package.json and edit the “scripts” section to this:

    "scripts": {
      "dev": "nodemon --signal SIGTERM server.R"

    This tells nodemon to re-run the file server.R when changes happen.

    The --signal SIGTERM is basically telling nodemon to send a termination signal to the previously running program before spawning a new one. This is especially useful for freeing the port the app is running on, and then re-using it again.

  7. Run the app:

    npm run dev

    This runs the dev script which starts, stops & restarts your app when changes occurs.

    Now try making some changes to your source code and enjoy the experience.

  8. When working on the backend, you don’t want a browser tab to open each time the app is restarted since you will mostly be sending requests via postman, so you will set start(open = FALSE) in your server.R:

      app <- Ambiorix$new()
      app$get("/", \(req, res){
        res$send("Using {ambiorix}!")
      app$get("/about", \(req, res){
      app$start(open = FALSE)
  9. To stop npm, press CTRL + C.

  10. Add node_modules/ to your .gitignore file.

  11. You can as well add nodemon.json, package-lock.json, & package.json to .gitignore since they’re just used for development purposes. I have commited them for this example just so you can see their contents.