07: dynamic rendering

Dynamically render templates


Kennedy Mwavu


July 10, 2024

Run app

  1. cd into the 07_dynamic_rendering/ dir:

    cd 07_dynamic_rendering/
  2. Fire up R:

  3. Restore package dependencies:


    Once done, exit R.

  4. index.R is the entry point. To start the app, run this on the terminal:

    Rscript index.R


This app starts a server and listens on port 3000 for connections.

When building software, these are the available options:

  1. Build the backend using ambiorix and the frontend using your favorite frontend framework (React, Angular, Vue, etc.)
  2. Build both the back and frontend using ambiorix

Let’s talk about option 2.

First things first, you will be rendering html templates/files. In most cases, you want this to be done dynamically. eg. render a portion of the UI depending on whether a user is an admin or not.

This is what is referred to as server-side rendering (SSR).

In this example, I use htmx to show you how you can build interactive frontends without touching a single line of JavaScript.

If you know HTML then you’re all set!

You’ve already seen how to send HTTP requests to the server & how the server responds (with JSON so far).

With htmx, your responses from the server will ideally be HTML fragments.

This works so well with htmltools you will not believe it!


Well, R people love tables. Time for you to look at ✨datatables✨.